Research Agenda
Overarching the USL Research Agenda Framework is the generation and sharing of knowledge in support of community engagement activities. In consideration with various developments in education and society, and conscious of the mandates of government and institutional partners, the new Research Agenda are advanced into six general themes categorized as follows:
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management. The reduction of the damage caused by natural hazards like earthquakes, floods, droughts and cyclones, through an ethic of prevention
Sustainable Development. Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Poverty Alleviation. The lifting of people out of poverty through both economic and humanitarian means.
Local Knowledge. The collection of facts and relates to the entire system of concepts, beliefs and perceptions that people hold about the world around them. This includes the way people observe and measure their surroundings, how they solve problems and validate new information. It includes the processes whereby knowledge is generated, stored, applied and transmitted to others.
Disciplinal and Multi-Disciplinal Studies. The generation of knowledge based on the different school disciplines or programs and integration of the same among disciplines or programs.
Institutional Studies. The knowledge generation along broad category of work done in the university to inform campus decision-making and planning in areas such as but not limited to admissions, financial aid, curriculum assessment, enrollment management, staffing, student life, finance, facilities, athletics, and alumni relations.

The The INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN EDUCATION, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND INNOVATION is the official peer-reviewed publication of the University of Saint Louis in Tuguegarao City. This esteemed journal serves as a leading platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to disseminate groundbreaking research and innovative practices across the intersecting fields of education, social sciences, and innovation. Through rigorous peer-review processes, it ensures the quality and credibility of published works, fostering intellectual discourse and facilitating the exchange of ideas to address contemporary challenges and opportunities in education and society. As an official publication of the University of Saint Louis, it exemplifies the institution's commitment to academic excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the advancement of knowledge for the betterment of communities locally and globally. The journal is published online annually.

The issue of Bannag: A Journal of Local Knowledge (Print ISSN 2423-1347 and E-ISSN 2627-2367) reflects the qualitative works of Louisian professors and students who have ventured in the name of rediscovery and research.

International Journal of Business, Accounting, Tourism and Hospitality Studies (ISSN 3082-3617) is an academic publication of the School of Business Administration and Accountancy of the University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao City, Philippines, under the auspices of the Center for Business Research and Development (CBRD).

The Journal of Advances in Allied Health Sciences Research (JAAHSR) is the official and annual peer reviewed student publication of the Health and Alied Sciences of the University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao City, Philippines through its Center for Health and Research Development (CHRD.)

The Engineering Research Bulletin (ISSN 2423-1355) is the official and annual peer reviewed student publication of the Engineering, Architecture, and Information Technology of the University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao City, Philippines through its Center for Engineering Research and Technology Innovation (CERTI).

The Social Innovation and Teacher Education Research Bulletin (ISSN 2508-0016) is a compilation of Student-Researches of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts of the University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao City, Philippines.