The Social Innovation and Teacher Education (SITE) Research Bulletin is an academic publication of the Center for Social Innovation, Local Knowledge, and Educational Research (CSILKER). This is a student journal that showcases the scholarly outputs of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts students in pursuit of one of the threefold functions of the university which is research.
The research bulletin offers wide and varied disciplines in teacher education, arts and sciences, and liberal education which epistemological beleifs, tutoring, mathematics education, assessment techniques, federalism and imprisonment. Furthermore, an array of different research methodologies such as descriptive survey, correlation method, and even qualitative studies were utilized in the different researches and studies in this issue
The Journal
ISSN: 2619-6735 (Online)
ISSN: 2619-6735 (Print)
DOI: to be posted...
Publication Frequency: Yearly
Emmanuel James P. Pattaguan, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academics, University Research and Development Center
Managing Editors
Dr. Marie Jean N. Mendezabal, PhD
Director, University Research and Development Center
Dr. Darin Jan C. Tindowen, Ph.D.
Head, Center for Social Innovation and Local Knowledge
Mr. Emilio A. Carag
Language Editor, University Research and Development Center
Farry James Macarilay, Mariella Jessica Mendoza, Iya Carla Menor and Darin Jan Tindowen, Ph.D.
This study aims to analyze the structure of verb errors of 76 teacher education students of the a Catholic Higher Education Institution in Northern Philippines on the use of verb in the 46-item assessment and specifically aims to give a structural analysis on errors committed and identify the types of errors evident in the misuse of verb tenses and non-observance of subject-verb agreement rules. Data were analyzed to determine the frequency and types of errors in verb usage. The errors were categorized into: a) error of selection/misformation, b) error of addition and c) error of omission. Based on the findings of the study on both tenses of the verb and subject-verb agreement, the error of selection/misformation constitutes the highest frequency. This happens when students a) choose the wrong tense of the verb in place of the right one and b) choose the wrong verb stem then writing the incorrect form of the verb. An error of omission constitutes the second highest frequency but an error of addition has the least frequency among the errors. The respondents tend to overgeneralize or overuse the structure of verbs, its tense and form, therefore making them select the incorrect verb tense and write the inappropriate verb form. In the light, it is necessary to determine the structure of the errors to address the existing problem of learners in verb usage.
Keywords: errors, structural analysis, misformation/selection, addition, omission
Shane Calimaran, Niella Mallabo & Jennifer Bangi
The Philippines, a developing country, possesses a majority of the poor or underprivileged and some areas in the country have become a breeding ground for youth offenders. Tuguegarao City, a growing city in Northern Luzon, is becoming a machine for developing children in conflict with the law. This paper explores the nature and status of children in conflict with the law in Tuguegarao City. Using data archiving, a total of 119 cases of children in conflict with the law are discussed in-depth by the researchers. The findings revealed that arrested was the most common disposition of the CICLs and solved was the most recorded case status. It is also concluded that violence had the highest number of commission; under this, physical injury was committed the most. Under property offense, it was theft while in narcotics, only crimes against R.A. 9165 appeared. Slander and illegal gambling were common under status offense.
Keywords: Children in conflict with the law, Disposition, Case Status, Offenses
Lady Krenz R. Pascua, Honie Mae P. Belen, Farhanah B. Macacna, and Darin Jan C. Tindowen
Private tutoring expanded dramatically over the last several decades especially in developing countries such as the Philippines. However, most of the studies conducted on private tutoring focused on its effects on pupils’ academic performance. Limited studies had been conducted investigating the effects of private tutoring to other non-academic factors. This study was conducted to explore the effects of tutoring to elementary pupils. An interpretive approach in research was utilized in the study employing descriptive-qualitative method of research. Thirty (30) parents and guardians and seven (7) elementary teachers were the participants of the study through in-depth interview to generate themes and common patterns. Themes that emerged as the result of the interview are as follows: (1) study habits, (2) self-esteem, (3) independency, (4) attitude of pupils towards their parents, (5) sociability, (6) behavior in the classroom, (7) academic performance, and (8) parents/guardians views on private tutoring. Finally, the study concluded that private tutoring has both positive and negative effects on the pupils.
Keywords: Private Tutoring, Elementary Pupils, Positive Effects, Negative Effects
Natalie Kate Ramirez, John Glen Sales, & Darin Jan Tindowen
Translating worded problems is considered as one of the most difficult tasks of a student, and worse, it becomes a big hindrance in learning Mathematics since translation from words into symbols is undeniably one of the solution processes in solving word problems that is critical and vital. This study aimed to identify Students’ Difficulties in Mathematizing Word Problems of 2nd year Education students of University of Saint Louis through employing Qualitative Method of research through conducting a test. A pilot test was conducted to test the reliability of the questions. Items with a high frequency of correct answers were disregarded and changed with other sets of questions. The data gathered during the assessment were used to examine the level of performance in Translating Worded Problems of the respondents. The results revealed that the 2nd year Education students are not that good in translating Mathematical Word Problems into Mathematical Expressions. Thus, the following were found out as their difficulties: Lack of Comprehension, Lack of Vocabulary, Incorrect Use of Operation, Interchanging of Values and Carelessness.
Keywords: Mathematics Word problems, Mathematical Expressions, Translation, Teacher Education Students, Misconceptions
Allysa Grace Simon, Maylene Luyon, Kristel Pasicolan & Darin Jan Tindowen
Many practical studies are carried out to investigate factors affecting students’ academic performance. Social support is one important protective factor in dealing with life’s difficulties and is considered one of the factors affecting student academic performance. Hence, the study aimed to look into the relationship between social support and academic performance among Louisian student boarders. As a result, the level of social support among student boarders is relatively high and revealed that there is a significant difference on the level of social support of the respondents when grouped according to their profile variables in terms of their sex, department, rental fees, and academic status The findings also showed that social support and academic performance is significantly related with each other in terms of family support, peer support and school/community support. It could be inferred that staying away from home affects motivation and focus; thus, social support plays a vital role to the well-being of students.
Keywords: Social Support, Academic Performance, Student Boarders, Family Support, Peer Support, and School/Community Support
Jennielyne Guitering, Cabus, Mario Cabus Jr., Lynus Angelo Ricamura & Darin Jan Tindowen
This study was conducted to explore the challenges faced by prisoners during imprisonment including their coping mechanisms and their realizations. A descriptive-qualitative study was employed involving 42 inmates. Results reveal that the inmates experienced environmental, personal, health, and legal challenges. As an effect, they mechanized a variety of coping strategies to address their current challenges. Finally, the results also shown some realizations and learnings of the inmates such as conversion, closer family ties, and promotion of values of respect and discipline.
Keywords: Imprisonment, Challenges, Coping Mechanisms, Learning and Realization
Mark Langcay*, John Paul Gutierrez, and Darin Jan Tindowen
Knowledge plays a vital role in all human strata. Hence, it enables individuals to think rationally, innovatively and even critically. Consequently, this maneuvers to an investigation about its origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge. This study was conducted to determine the epistemological beliefs of pre-service teachers in Northern Philippines along five dimensions namely the stability of knowledge, structure of knowledge, source of knowledge, ability to learn, and speed of learning. A descriptive-survey was utilized in this study with 181 respondents. The findings revealed that the pre-service teachers tend to be sophisticated and have a complex structure and reasoning along source of knowledge. In contrast, the pre-service teachers tend to be naïve along the following: ability to learn, stability of knowledge, and speed of learning. Finally, pre-service teachers’ epistemological beliefs is greatly affected by the following variables such as sex specifically on the structure of knowledge and ability to learn; Program Specialization particularly on the source of knowledge; and on pre-service teachers’ ethnicity specifically on the structure of knowledge and speed of learning.
Keywords: Pre-service teachers, Epistemological Beliefs, Knowledge, Teacher Education
Daisy Luyon, Angelica Mamauag & Eladio Martin Gumabay
The current administration of the Republic of the Philippines is seen as an ardent advocate of federalism. This research study purports to explore the appreciation and understanding of the youth – specifically the Liberal Arts students in higher educational institutions who have the knowledge on the government forms, laws, and history of our system of government as regards a possible shift in the system of government. This study utilized descriptive qualitative design through Collaizi’s method of data analysis. Findings show that informants having perceived the possible shift on the system of government of the Philippines, have led to three clustered themes namely: (1) federalism defined, (2) benefits of federalism, and, (3) possible challenges during the transition period. Moreover, it is concluded that informants defined federalism as a system of government where powers are being decentralized to the local government and the latter being independent from the national / central government. Standardized local legislation, increased economic status, and responsive local government were identified as the benefits of federalism. Lack of proper knowledge, constitutional proceedings and amendments, and, costly and time-consuming were cited as the possible challenges during the transition period on the shift in our system of government. We suggest that, in order to actualize federalism, there is a need to enhance governance capabilities through transparency and accountability and a clearer definition of local autonomy should be observed.
Keywords: local government; central government; federalism; system of government of the Philippines; prospective shift; government transition; challenges during transition; benefits of federalism
Lady Krenz R. Pascua*, Honie Mae P. Belen, Farhanah B. Macacna, and Darin Jan C. Tindowen
Private tutoring expanded dramatically over the last several decades especially in developing countries such as the Philippines. However, most of the studies conducted on private tutoring focused on its effects on pupils’ academic performance. Limited studies had been conducted investigating the effects of private tutoring to other non-academic factors. This study is conducted to explore the effects of tutoring to elementary pupils. An interpretive approach in research was utilized in the study employing descriptive-qualitative method of research. Thirty (30) parents and guardians and seven (7) elementary teachers were the participants of the study. An in-depth interview was employed to generate themes and common patterns. Themes that emerged as the result of the interview are as follows: (1) study habits, (2) self-esteem, (3) independency, (4) attitude of pupils towards their parents, (5) sociability, (6) behavior in the classroom, (7) academic performance, and (8) parents/guardians views on private tutoring. Finally, the study concluded that private tutoring has both positive and negative effects on the pupils.
Keywords: Private Tutoring, Elementary Pupils, Positive Effects, Negative Effects
Natalie Kate Ramirez, John Glen Sales, & Darin Jan Tindowen
Translating worded problems is considered as one of the most difficult tasks of a student, and worse, it becomes a big hindrance in learning Mathematics, since translation from words to symbols is undeniably one of the solution processes in solving word problems that is critical and vital. This study aimed to identify 2nd year Education students’ difficulties in mathematizing word problems by employing Qualitative Method of research through conducting a written test. The test results were used to examine students’ level of performance in Translating Worded Problems. It was revealed that the 2nd year Education students are not that good in translating Mathematical Word Problems into Mathematical Expressions. The following were found out as their difficulties: Lack of Comprehension, Lack of Vocabulary, Incorrect Use of Operation, Interchanging of Values and Carelessness.
Keywords: Mathematics Word problems, Mathematical Expressions, Translation, Teacher Education Students, Misconceptions
Jennielyne Guitering, Cabus, Mario Cabus Jr., Lynus Angelo Ricamura & Darin Jan Tindowen
This study was conducted to explore the challenges faced by prisoners during imprisonment including their coping mechanisms and their realizations. A descriptive-qualitative study was employed involving 42 inmates. Results revealed that the inmates experienced environmental, personal, health, and legal challenges. As an effect, they mechanized a variety of coping strategies to address their current challenges. Finally, the results also showed some realizations and learnings of the inmates such as conversion, closer family ties, and promotion of values of respect and discipline.
Keywords: Imprisonment, Challenges, Coping Mechanisms, Learning and Realization
Angelika Nimfa Alvarez, Kurt Warren Cusap & Darin Jan Tindowen
Assessment and achievement are considered to be of vital importance in the determination of the progress of students in the field of education. Selecting sound assessment helps students to improve their performance in the field of English. This study is conducted to determine the relationship between formative assessment and summative assessment of Grade 10 students in English. Group sampling of students enrolled in English in the School Year 2016-2017 was considered in this study. Results show that there is a significant relationship between each type of test in most of the formative assessment and summative assessment.
Keywords: Formative assessment, Summative Assessment, Assessment, English Subject, High School Students
John Michael Bassig, Jay-Ar Cagurangan, & Darin Jan Tindowen
Education plays a very important role in the development and progress of a certain nation. With the advancement of science and technology, globalization and internalization of education are considered as challenges that every country must uphold. And one of the emphases of today’s challenges in education is the promotion of 21st century skills among students. However, it is also a reality that a huge number of the world population are drop-outs, out-of-school youth and even individuals who do not go to formal schooling. As a result, these individuals who do not go to formal schooling have difficulties in understanding and learning 21st century skills which enable them to cope and to compete in the globalized world. Initiatives around the world have introduced alternatives to cope up with the challenges brought by the changing world and knowledge economy. The Philippines for instance had implemented the non-formal and informal education such as the Alternative Learning System to help individuals attain education. This study was conducted to determine the 21st century skills of Alternative Learning System Learners of Northern Philippines. 150 ALS learners across five schools in Northern Philippines participated in the study through descriptive survey method. Results revealed that the ALS learners have a low level of acquisition of 21st century skills. Furthermore, results of the Independent sample t-test and one way analysis of variance test revealed that sex, age, and employment status affect the acquisition of learners of the 21st century skills.
Keywords: 21st Century skills, Alternative Learning System, Northern Philippines
Loren Joy Manuel, Raiza Mae Ramel & Darin Jan Tindowen
The Philippine Higher Educational System is undergoing series of changes and transitions in order to adapt to the challenges of globalization and internalization of education. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) introduced a new shift in the Higher Education, which is the implementation of the Outcomes-Based Education from Inputs-Based Education, thus placing the learners as the center of all educational planning. This study was conducted to determine the extent of attainment of Teacher Education Graduates on the 14 Program Learning Outcomes of the University of Saint Louis. Total enumeration of Teacher Education graduates of school year 2015-2016 were considered in the study through descriptive survey. Results showed that Constructing and/or selecting, and employing the most appropriate tool to improve various learning experiences are considered as the most attained program learning outcomes. Moreover, result of the independent sample t-test and one way analysis of variance test revealed that field of specialization and program specialization affect the level of attainment of teacher education graduates on their Program Learning Outcomes. In general, the extent of attainment of Program Learning Outcomes is very high.
Keywords: Teacher Education Graduates, Program Learning Outcomes, University of Saint Louis
Ednalyn Quinagoran, Judy-Ann Paguila, Manahan Gubatan Jr., Claire Banatao, & Darin Jan Tindowen
Pupil’s academic achievement is affected by various factors including the multi-dimensional self-concept. Although scientific and technological developments are mathematics-based, many students continue to perform poorly in mathematics. Mathematics program is always an integral part in all learning in the Philippine educational system. As soon as a child begins his schooling, the child is introduced to mathematical terms and concepts. This study aimed to examine pupils’ academic self-concept and their achievement in Mathematics. Forty-one pupils of a primary school in Iguig, Cagayan were considered. A descriptive correlational method was used to measure the significant relationship between the pupils’ academic self-concept and their achievement in Mathematics. The results revealed that the majority of the pupils are low achievers in Mathematics. Moreover, respondents’ academic self-concept is moderate in level. In addition, male has higher academic self-concept compared to female. Finally, the pupils’ academic self-concept and their achievement in Mathematics have a significant relationship.
Keywords: Academic self-concept, Mathematics achievement, Gender, Confidence, Effort
Darwin Caronan, Camille Angelica Tuppal, & Darin Jan Tindowen
Cities and urban places are the perfect picturesque view for good and stable life on the perspective of the rural people who wants to migrate and dwell with the cities and urban lifestyle. However, the in-demand opportunities of jobs offered by the cities may not suited for the lacking qualities people which may lead into not a perfect view. Thus, their breaking point is they involved into informal jobs and street vending to survive. Street vending provides employment to people who were unable to apply to formal jobs because most of the companies need high educated degree and competency. Buko juice vending is considered one of the important informal activities to the street vendors of Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines because it is easy to generate income, sustain their basic and daily needs, and it is suited to the weather condition of the place. This study aimed to determine the socio-economic, financial capabilities, and sanitation practices of the buko juice vendors. Twenty buko juice vendors were involved in the study through descriptive survey and interview. Result revealed that buko juice vending is an important economic activity of the vendors because it is the only means to sustain their basic needs. Moreover, the result showed that most of the respondents depend into this business because there were no other sources of income to sustain the needs of the family. In terms of their sanitation practices, buko juice vendors follow the proper decorum on preparing the product because they consider the health of the customer.
Keywords: Socio-economic Status, Financial Capabilities, Sanitation Practices, Buko Juice Vendors, Street Vending
Nestor Respondo Jr., May-Ann Asuncion, Rainel Yap, & Jennifer C. Bangi
Fishing is a vital industry in the Philippines especially in Aparri, Cagayan. It contributes to income, employment, foreign exchange earnings, and nutrition. This study aimed to predict the future of fish catch of Aparri for the year 2016-2030 using two variables which are the temperature and the fish catch of Aparri from 2003-2015 . This descriptive research utilized ARIMA Model and Curve Fitting to predict the future fish catch. ARIMA Model was used to predict the value of fish catch as temperature is held constant. The result showed that with the average temperature of 27.3932°C in every year, the fish catch value of Aparri will increase and by 2030 the value of fish catch is expected to reach 500,000 kg. The curved fitting design was used to get the value of fish catch for the year 2016-2030. The result showed that if the value of fish catch will increase, it is expected to reach more than 2,000,000 kg in the year 2030 and if the value of fish catch will decrease, it is expected only to reach less than 1,000,000 kg in the year 2030.
Keywords: Fish Catch, Arima Model, Curve Fitting
Honey Lei N. Bagalayos, Nenita Claire T. Barizo, Clarichell C. Berja, Pia Marie G. Bucayu, Amancio A. Donato & Darin Jan Tindowen
Natural disasters are predominant in the Philippines especially typhoons and floods where poorer communities are affected. This study looked into the factors which promote disaster resilience among the people living in flood prone poor communities since there are only few local studies about factors which promotes disaster resilience among the Filipinos. This study highlighted how damayan (culture of compassion) and bayanihan (cooperation) are used as resources by community members in coping with the effects of typhoons and its accompanying floods through the specific activities done by the participants. Using purposive sampling employing site selection and networking selection, 10 residents from each of the three flood-prone barangays were selected as participants of the study. Interview and in depth conversations had served as the main instruments used by the researchers to gather the needed data. The result of the study showed the significance of damayan and bayanihan in disaster resiliency of the participants.
Keywords: Damayan, Bayanihan, Disaster Resilient Community, Floods, Typhoons
Joy S. Guzman, Aira S. Lagundi & Jennifer C. Bangi
The world’s temperature is continuously increasing which has enormous impact in humans most especially in the increase of dengue cases. Dengue is a re-emerging disease and is one important viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Temperature is considered one factor in the increase of dengue rates in Cagayan particularly in Tuguegarao City. Thus, there is an indirect relationship between temperature and dengue. As temperature increases, there is also an increase of dengue case. This study aimed to determine the suitable plants to the dengue affected Barangays in Tuguegarao City to decrease the temperature as a factor of the increasing dengue rates. The researchers gathered the data of the dengue rates in Tuguegarao City from the City Health Office for the past six years (2010-2015). It was recorded that Ugac Sur has the highest rate of dengue followed by Caggay, Ugac Norte, San Gabriel Village, Annafunan East and Tanza. Also the researchers conducted soil analysis with the help of the Department of Agriculture to determine the soil characteristics of the dengue affected Barangays. The result shows that the ten carbon dioxide efficient plants can grow depending on the soil type and soil characteristics of the dengue affected Barangays. The study found out that the ten Carbon absorbing plants are suited in the soil type of the identified barangay depending on its soil characteristics in Tuguegarao City (1) Tanza: Bamboo Palm, English Ivy, Spider Plant, Red-edged Draceana, Rubber tree; (2)San Gabriel Village: Rubber Tree, Snake Plant, Aloe Plant, Bamboo Palm, English Ivy, Spider Plant, Red-edged Draceana;(3) Caggay: Rubber Tree, Snake Plant, Aloe Plant; (4) Annafunan East: English Ivy, Rubber Tree, Snake Plant, Philodendron, Peace Lilly; (5) Ugac Norte: Rubber Tree, Snake Plant, Aloe Plant, Golden pothos; (6) Ugac Sur: Rubber tree, Snake Plant, Aloe Plant, Bamboo Palm, English Ivy, Spider Plant, Red-edged Draceana, Golden Pothos.
Keywords: Temperature, Dengue cases, Soil Characteristics, Carbon Dioxide Absorbing Plants, Soil Type