Volume 2 Series 2023
Unveiling the Impact of Explainer Videos on Grade 4 Science Learning: A Quasi-Experimental AnalysisKaren Joy Balbin, Marymina Odiem
This research looked into the use of explainer video as a science learning intervention for Grade 4 learners of Liwan West Elementary School. The study utilized the quantitative type of research employing a quasi-experimental research design through the use of experimental and control groups with pre-test and post-test approaches to determine the effectiveness of utilizing video explainers in improving pupils’ academic performance in Science. Data was gathered from 32 Grade 4 pupils. It was analyzed using the Paired Sample T-Test and Independent Sample T-Test. Findings revealed that the use of explainer video in teaching Science is more effective than the pure lecture method.
Keywords: explainer video, science teaching
Pre-Service Teachers’ Preparedness and Perspectives on Online Practice Teaching
Anjanette Batulan, Darin Jan Tindowen
The COVID-19 pandemic brought drastic changes in the education landscape. Schools and universities need to suspend face-to-face learning modality and shifted to flexible learning modalities such as online learning in order to continue delivering quality education among learners. With this, students’ academic formations were catered through online modalities, such as online practice teaching among pre-service teachers. This study was conducted to assess the preparedness of pre-service teachers for online practice teaching of University of Saint Louis. A mixed method of research involving both quantitative and qualitative research methods was used in the study. The respondents of the study were the 42 Third Year Teacher Education students of the School of Education, Arts and Sciences (SEAS) who will have their practice teaching by First Semester of School Year 2021-2022. Results reveal that pre-service teachers are prepared for their online teaching practicum since they are already equipped with the necessary skills and competencies in online teaching, such as technopedagogical competence, creating an effective learning environment, designing the online teaching process, and understanding the learner. In addition, their preparedness in their online practice teaching varies in terms of their familiarization with the university’s learning management system and the different online learning platforms, and even the presence of a conducive learning space for their practicum. Finally, the online practice teaching posed both benefits and also issues and difficulties.
Keywords: pre-service teachers, online teaching practicum, teacher education, online learning, technopedagogical competence, creating an effective learning environment, designing the online teaching process, understanding the learner
Tracer Study of Graduate School Graduates in a Catholic University
Pyrene Quilang, Mary Ann Bartolome, Lailanie Pattaguan, Nelia Cauilan
This study traces the trajectory of graduates from the School of Graduate Studies and Continuing Professional Development at the University of Saint Louis (USL), delving into their profile, employment status, perceived relevance of school-related factors, and competencies acquired during their studies. Utilizing a descriptive research design, data was collected from 112 graduates from 1997 to 2023 through a questionnaire adapted from the University Research and Development Center. The results unveil a diverse cohort of graduates, with the Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master in Public Administration (MPA) emerging as popular choices. Notably, a consistent engagement with graduate studies is observed, marked by peaks in 2023 and 2018. Gender diversity is evident, with a majority of female graduates reflecting strides towards inclusivity. The study underscores the successful transition of graduates into the workforce, as evidenced by a high employment rate and stability in permanent positions. Curriculum and instruction, research, and academic requirements are deemed highly relevant, emphasizing the importance of a well-structured educational experience. Faculty members play a pivotal role in guidance and mentorship. Competencies acquired during graduate studies, including research and communication skills, management, work ethic, and teamwork, are perceived as instrumental in achieving work goals. The holistic approach to professional development within the graduate programs is evident.
Keywords: Tracer Study, Graduates, Employment Profile, Skills
Attitude of Local Stakeholders toward the Use of Mother Tongue in the Teaching and Learning Process
Shiela Bumanghat
Amid recent shifts in the country's language policy, debates have arisen over the integration of L1 learning in language education. This systematic literature review examines local stakeholders' attitudes toward using mother tongue as a pedagogical method, a topic gaining significance due to ongoing changes. By analyzing fifteen relevant studies encompassing the perception, attitude, and cognition of MTB-MLE stakeholders, this research identifies key contributing factors to these language attitudes. A repertory grid was employed to visualize relevant study details, guiding the investigation's focus. Results revealed diverse stakeholder attitudes shaped by their experiences with MTB-MLE implementation. Learners generally exhibit positive attitude toward mother tongue usage in education, while many educators and other stakeholders hold negative views. Notably, some remain undecided about the approach's benefits versus drawbacks. These findings suggest the necessity for the DepEd to employ a bottom-up strategy in policy evaluation, involving grassroots perspectives in the MTB-MLE refinement process.
Keywords: language perception and cognition, MTB-MLE, language in education
Virtual Internship Evaluation: A Basis for Internship Improvement
Therese Ann Awing, Shaira Keith Benitez, Marimar Bingayan, Conchita Canapi, Abigail Soriano, Jerome Marquez
This study was conducted to evaluate the implementation of the virtual internship program of the Accountancy and Management Accounting programs of the University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. A mixed methods research design was utilized. A total of 88 graduates from Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and 115 graduates from Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting who participated in the virtual internship program during the School Year 2021-2022 were the respondents for the close-ended questionnaire, while ten (10) selected students of each program from different agencies participated in the virtual Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Based on the questionnaire, the results revealed that the virtual internship program of the BS Accountancy and BS Management Accounting was implemented and effective along institutional and company evaluations. It was further revealed that virtual internship was associated with a number of limitations. Students were free to choose their mode of internship, whether face-to-face or virtual, as both provide an avenue to taste a glimpse of the professional world.
Keywords: Virtual Internship Program, Accountancy, Management Accounting, Implementation, Effectiveness
Effectiveness of Using Indigenous Games in Enhancing Mathematics Performance
Claire Balbawang, Felicisimo Felix
This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of indigenous games in improving performance in Mathematics. The study utilized a quantitative type of research employing quasi-experimental research through the use of pre-test and post-test and control and experimental group research, in which two different learning environments were compared. Grade 2 pupils of Kinama Elementary School, Rizal District, Division of Kalinga were considered in the study. They were grouped into two: the experimental group (14 participants) and the control group (13 participants). Participants in both groups were identified and matched based on their grade point average (GPA) in their 1st Grading Mathematics subject. Results of the pre-test that was administered before the conduct of the study were likewise considered in the selection. The use of indigenous games is effective in enhancing the performance of Grade 2 pupils in their mathematics subject, as manifested in the high increase in the scores of pupils in the experimental group and also in comparison to their scores with those in the control group.
Keywords: Mathematics, Action Research, Indigenous Games, Kalinga, Elementary Pupils
Teachers’ Assessment in the Implementation of Modular Learning
Baby Jane Millo
This study was conducted to determine the assessment of teachers of Enrile Vocational High School on the implementation of modular learning. A descriptive survey was utilized involving 50 secondary school teachers. Data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. Results reveal that the different dimensions for the implementation of the modular learning, such as technical elements, teachers’ preparedness, self-learning module, teachers’ support, and material resources, are evident. Teachers and the schools in which they teach have been prepared technically. Additionally, teachers expressed their readiness to perform their assigned tasks and functions concerning the teaching and learning processes under the new normal education. The Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) are dependable, and their reproduction and release are seamless. Finally, teachers receive the necessary training and skill development webinars to perform their jobs effectively.
Keywords: Modular Learning, Distance Learning, Department of Education, COVID-19 pandemic, Secondary School
Teaching Selected Topics in Geometry Using Manipulative Instructional Materials Among Grade 7 Students in Community Vocational High School
Rubelyn Ramos
With the advancement of learning management, the researcher employed quasi-experimental method of research using the pretest and posttest group design with sixty Grade 7 students, of whom thirty were taught using manipulative materials and other thirty were taught without manipulative materials. The level of pretest performance of the control group for the undefined terms, angles and polygons are 6.63, 6.50 and 6.97 which described as low while the posttest of the control group are 12.83 high, 11.53 average and 12.93 high. Also, the experimental group, 9.13 average, 6.50 low and 10.23 average while the posttest of the experimental group are 17.93 very high, 15.73 high and 14.23 high. Moreover, the difference in the level of pretest and posttest performances of the control group for the three indicators mentioned is shown by the computed t-value of 7.68, 8.11 and 7.96. While, in experimental group the computed t-value of 15.77, 18.47 and 6.66 which both group exceeded the critical-t value of 1.70 with 29 degrees of freedom. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and there is significant difference between the variables. In addition, the difference in the level of pretest performance of the control and experimental groups for the three indicators are 3.19 rejected for the undefined terms, 0 accepted for the angles, and 4.58 rejected for polygons. There is no significant difference in the level of pretest performance of control and experimental groups in angle, while the two indicators have significant difference. For posttest level, there is a significant difference in undefined terms and angles with 5.12 and 5.35, and no significant difference in terms of polygons with 1.64 compared with critical-t value of 1.67 of 58 degrees of freedom. Considering the results, the instructional design was crafted to help the teachers in managing day to day lessons in Geometry.
Keywords: geometry, undefined terms, angles, polygon, manipulative materials
Profile Variables and Degree of Liberalness of Senior High School Students in a Catholic University
Christoffe Dulnuan, Noel John Carlo Gines, Jeremy Joe Nava, Francess Jeyann Ramirez
The Filipino community is confronted by a number of social issues that may possibly be due to changing times, which may consequently affect the awareness or acceptance to such issues. This quantitative-qualitative study used survey and interview questionnaires to describe the degree of liberalness of the 209 senior high school students of a Catholic institution on social issues like environment, same-sex marriage, taxes, welfare and war on terrorism. After using non-parametric tests and topical/thematic approach, findings revealed that respondents had high degree of liberalness to the mentioned social issues. Using Kruskal-Wallis, there was no significant difference between religion, ethnicity and degree of liberalness but there was a significant difference when the respondents were grouped according to strand. Using Mann-Whitney U-Test, there was no significant differences between sex and degree of liberalness. Therefore, students from a Catholic institution had high degree of openness and acceptance on the mentioned issues.
Keywords: environment, same sex marriage, taxes, war on terrorism, welfare and war on terrorism
Integration of Technology in Educational Instruction and Students’ Interest in Learning
Mailyn Raquiza Ugali
This study discusses the correlation of the integration of technology in educational instruction and students’ interest in learning Science 10. It investigated the teachers’ extent of integration of technology in the educational instruction in the different curriculum content of Science and the level of students’ interest in learning. The study employed a quantitative descriptive correlational and descriptive comparative design. Researcher-made questionnaires were used in data gathering. The study involved twenty (21) Grade 10 Science teachers and five hundred twenty five (525) Grade 10 students handled by the teachers. The study used purposive sampling technique in the selection of teachers and non-probability convenience sampling in the selection of students. The study was conducted in nine (9) public secondary schools in the First Congressional District in the Division of Quezon City. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study indicate that science teachers integrated technology in teaching their subject to a moderate extent. The study also showed that the students’ level of interest in the different characteristics observed varied from moderate to high. Likewise, the results of the study revealed that the teachers’ extent of technology integration in the educational instruction had a relationship with the level of students’ interest in learning.
Keywords: technology integration, educational instruction, learning interest, digital natives