Publication Ethics

Publication ethics are the cornerstone of scholarly integrity and credibility, ensuring the reliability and trustworthiness of scientific literature. Journals, including the Journal of Engineering, Architecture, and Informatics (JEAI), adhere to rigorous ethical standards to uphold the integrity of the research process and safeguard the interests of all stakeholders involved.

Ethical considerations dictate that authors must adhere to principles of academic honesty and transparency when conducting research and reporting findings. This entails accurately representing the methods, results, and conclusions of their studies while disclosing any potential conflicts of interest or sources of funding that may influence the research outcomes. By upholding these standards, authors contribute to the credibility and reproducibility of scientific knowledge, fostering trust within the scholarly community.

JEAI is committed to fostering a fair and impartial peer review process. Peer reviewers play a critical role in evaluating the quality and validity of submitted manuscripts, providing constructive feedback to authors and assisting editors in making informed decisions regarding publication. To maintain the integrity of the peer review process, reviewers are expected to assess manuscripts objectively, maintain confidentiality, and disclose any conflicts of interest that may compromise their impartiality.

Furthermore, editors are entrusted with the responsibility of upholding ethical standards throughout the publication process. They are tasked with evaluating manuscripts based on their scientific merit, relevance, and adherence to ethical guidelines. Editors must ensure that published articles meet the journal's standards of quality and integrity while safeguarding against plagiarism, duplicate submission, and unethical research practices. Additionally, editors must handle cases of suspected misconduct with diligence and transparency, following established procedures for investigation and resolution.

Authors, reviewers, and editors alike are expected to adhere to established codes of conduct and ethical guidelines outlined by organizations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). These guidelines provide a framework for promoting integrity, transparency, and accountability in scholarly publishing, serving as a compass for navigating complex ethical dilemmas and ensuring the responsible conduct of research.